Geröstete Kürbissuppe mit Steinpilzen und Bucheckern
Die Kürbiszeit ist in vollem Gange! Deshalb hat Sternekoch Dennis Puchert sich ein ganz besonderes WALDGOLD-Rezept überlegt
Wild herb salsa with beechnut oil on grilled sourdough bread
This salsa from star chef Dennis Puchert scores with the aromatic diversity of various wild herbs, which are highlighted by our cold-pressed beechnut oil. Quick and easy to prepare!
Vegan madeleines with marinated wild berries
Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl and add the salt and sugar and mix. Mix the oat milk, beechnut oil, vanilla pulp and lemon juice in a separate container. Add the oat milk mixture to the flour mixture and mix until smooth. Put the dough in the fridge for 20 minutes and preheat the oven to 180°C in the meantime. Thinly brush the madeleine molds with grease and divide the batter among the molds. They should be ¾ filled with batter. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-18 minutes (depending on the baking dish). When the madeleines...
Smoked and poached salmon trout with a beechnut-beurre blanc, wild herb oil, cucumber and radishes
Cook delicious salmon trout with your beechnut oil. Cut the salmon trout lengthwise into 2 cm thick strips. Season evenly with the smoked salt. Grate the lemon peel with the help of a fine grater. Spread the lemon peel grate over the salmon trout strips and rub lightly.